Integrated Fueling System w/ Advanced Filtration for City of Yonkers at New Fire House
The City of Yonkers has long utilized the ConVault technology for the aboveground storage of gasoline and diesel, so it was no surprise when the design got underway at the new Yonkers Fire House #1 that Core was called in for design support. Core Engineered Solutions provide design criteria including detailed equipment drawings, electrical layouts for the fueling system and specifications for product selection that included an advanced filtration system and DEF storage and dispensing.
Core provided a custom 6,000-gallon ConVault split compartment tank for the aboveground storage of gasoline and diesel. The tank was completely factory-assembled, and all wet-components were contained including submersible turbine pumps within tank top transition sumps, BRUGG Flexwell-HL piping to the Gasboy dual-product dispensers with a tank mounted containment sump.
Core also provided the Veeder-Root Automatic Tank Gauging System, Islander PRIME Fuel Management System to tie into the City’s existing network and SafeSite Dispensing System Controller for power distribution to the complete fuel system. To ensure the diesel fuel remained within specification and provide longevity to the City’s vehicles, Core provided a DieselPure Fuel Oil Filtration system along with a Blue1 Energy (Titan CTS) DEF CUBE Tank and Dispensing System to assist with clean emissions from some of the larger engines.