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Corrosion Prevention

A July 2016 EPA report on corrosion-influencing factors in diesel tanks cited that 83% of the diesel tanks inspected showed moderate to severe signs of corrosion. SafeSite Advanced Filtration Systems are specifically designed to prevent corrosion by eliminating emulsified (or entrained) water in ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel and biodiesel blends.

Removing emulsified water from diesel fuel is critical because water:
  • Accelerates microbial growth which degrades the fuel
  • Causes pitting of steel pipes and tanks
  • Allows acetic acid to form which corrodes tanks, fuel transfer equipment, and internal engine parts
  • Increases wear rate and damage to generator fuel injectors
SAE J1488 ver.2010

The testing procedure for this standard determines “the ability of a fuel/water separator to separate emulsified or finely dispersed water from fuels.” The unique DieselPure filtration design used in SafeSite Systems is currently the only technology available that meets the SAE J1488 ver.2010 filtration standard. Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) independently tested and verified that the DieselPure system meets and exceeds the SAE J1488 ver.2010 requirements.

Benefits of Using SafeSite Advanced Filtration Systems
  • Surpasses the ability of typical filtration systems that only eliminate standing or free water
  • Reduces operating costs (man-hours, system downtime and wasted fuel)
  • Eliminates costly diesel waste
  • Protects tanks and equipment from corrosion and failure

How it WorksFuel Filtration

SafeSite Advanced Filtration Systems address the problems created by the unique chemical properties of ultra-low sulphur diesel and biodiesel blends. The filter is engineered to break the bond between emulsified water and diesel fuel. It is critical to remove emulsified water in order to prevent fuel decay and corrosion issues. The technology does this by successfully coalescing the water out of the fuel. It does not absorb the water like most filters. A single filter can continuously remove free standing and emulsified water from the fuel at a fully efficient level for several months, regardless of the amount of water it is removing.

Technical Information