Core Helps Major Aircraft Manufacturer Take Flight w/ Aviation Fueling System

Recently, a major international Aircraft Manufacturer required two large refueling systems at their new regional maintenance facilities. Core provided safe, reliable and innovative fueling systems that were compliant with ATA 103. Systems were designed to unload and filter fuel prior to service. The unloaded fuel from each plane was designed to be filtered, kept in a separate storage area, then re-filtered and loaded back onto the plane after it had been serviced.

Core’s solution included an all-in-one aviation fueling module that could unload and bottom load refueling at 70 gpm, refuel aircraft at 70 gpm, de-fuel at 50 gpm and recirculate all filtered fuel at 70gpm. Each system featured six (12 total) UL 142 double wall, lined, fuel storage tanks and a digital tank monitoring, gauging and leak detection system. Core also provided piping, tank pads and bollards at each site. Additional turnkey services included: offloading, installation, electrical work, startup and training. Core’s unique ability to provide a full scope of services allowed the customer to use a single-source for all work associated with the system.